Other Stuff

Monday, April 30, 2007

Old Firefighters

As a life member of a volunteer fire department, with 27 years of service, I have been around long enough to remember the old days. Days when we would pile everyone on top of the tanker or squeeze one more guy on the tailboard and hold on tight. In these days of enclosed heated and air-conditioned cabs, my memories seem as distant as those of the old-guys who hung out at the station when I was a junior member. I have to wonder what is ahead for my son.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Spring has finally sprung here. I took the camera for a walk around the yard today.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Dawning of a New Day

This is my first venture into the Blogger-World, a new beginning, a new day. I am by no means a photographer, I'm merely a picture taker, sometimes I get lucky and capture something I think someone else would like to see. This picture was taken on a mini-vacation to Assateague Island on Christmas Eve 2006 while my daughter and I were looking for shells.