Other Stuff

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Brown Anole

One thing ever present anywhere you go in Florida is the lizard population. This Brown Anole was spotted on a signpost in the Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge. That's right two lizards in one month. You never know what you'll get when you stop by the outskirts.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Turtle Nests: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good
While walking the Vero Beach shoreline we spotted several, well more than several, we saw a lot of fresh turtle nesting sites. A first for me. We've seen their nests along the Assateague beach but never the trail from the water up into the dunes. Cool, just keep your distance.

The Bad
When I crossed this path, nowhere near the nest, a lot closer to the waves, I almost stepped on some eggs. Apparently this old girl couldn't wait until she got to her nest and started dropping eggs right there in the path.

The Ugly
On our return trip south, back towards the car, we spotted these crows and a white ibis having some scrambled eggs for breakfast. The circle of life. Hopefully there were plenty more higher up in the dunes.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sunshine State Birding

Since this trip was a semi working trip we didn't really plan any outings, but we did find some things to fill the down time. I did manage a few scouting runs, so next time, look out. Captured this White Ibis and Snowy Egret at Round Island Park (west). The Brown Pelicans were seen at the beach. The pelicans are gonna be my nemesis, they seemed to be past you before you know they are there. This is about the extent of bird pictures I got. We also saw crows, little blue herons and tricolored herons along with numerous other quick sighting. I'll have a better game plan later this summer on my return vacation trip.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Florida Sunrise

What would a trip to the beach be without a sunrise picture for the blog? Well with this being one of the longest and shortest road trips I think I've ever made, this is the only sunrise I saw from the beach. Three Florida mornings. One after 17 1/2 hours of driving. The sun was well up long before I was. Second morning was just  not the greatest weather. And then there was the last morning. I was northbound just three hours after this shot.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

All is Clear

Life Net 81, out of Hagerstown, Maryland, coming into the landing zone.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Welcome to the Beach

This was the view from earlier this week. Just a quick 1000 mile drive to the beach. My first trip to Florida since 1988, third time total if you count an even quicker trip in 1983. More  from Vero Beach next week.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Waiting for the ship to sail. Our cruise ship at the Seward, Alaska docks.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

All Aboard, Matey

I find things. This thing was found while cruising down the QEW (Queen Elizabeth Way) in Ontario, Canada. This massive ship was probably docked here on Jordon Harbor and left to decay.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Assateague Lighthouse After Dark

Assateague Island Lighthouse after dark. New Years Day 2016.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Ouray County Courthouse

Ouray County Courthouse, Ouray, Colorado. Founded in 1877 it's current population is about 4500. The courthouse was built in 1888 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It most likely got listed for being where the interior courthouse shots were filmed for John Wayne's 1969 movie True Grit.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Allegany County Courthouse

The Allegany County Courthouse in Cumberland, Maryland. Formed in 1789 it's current population is just a hair over 75,000 western Marylanders. It was built in 1893 after the previous courthouse burned.

Friday, June 17, 2016


3K, get it? Three thousand. That's how many of these little bursts of awesomeness have graced the interwebs. So, I'm not gonna bore you with statistics, I just did that 2 months ago. Just a BIG THANK YOU for tuning in every once in a while. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sand Dune Reflection

We found this big lake west of the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado. San Luis Lake is the centerpiece of San Luis State Park.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Last Month at the Duck Pond

You bring me sunshine,
I bring you rain,
You bring me smiles,
I drive you outta your brain,
You bring me up,
 I bring you down,
I bring you flowers,
It brings you around.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Western Sagebrush Lizard

I ran into this Western Sagebrush Lizard on the trail to the Siamese Twin formation in the Garden of the Gods. He was still there on my way back, I guess he was preoccupied with his morning snack.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Leaping Sea Lion

This is a passing sea lion that swam up beside the whale watching boat we were on in Auke Bay on the outskirts of Juneau, Alaska two years ago yesterday.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

San Miguel County Courthouse

San Miguel County Courthouse, Telluride, Colorado. Founded in 1883 it has a current population of about 6600 people. That's about 5 people per square mile. The courthouse was built in 1887.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Feeding Frenzy

 Common Grackle

 A hungry young Common Grackle and an annoyed mother.

 Blue Jay

 Mr Chippy stuffing his cheeks

 Red-winged Blackbird

Robin with a worm

Another weekend of feeding the birds in the backyard. A good mix of characters. Last evening there was four Goldfinches at the thistle feeder.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

The More Things Change

This is  the ever changing Goldman Properties building on the corner of Houston Street and the Bowery in Manhattan, New York City. This exhibit has been evolving every couple/three or four months since 2008. I just happened to catch a few.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016


We bring you beautiful
We teach you sin
We can give you a piece of the universe
Or we will disappear
Never to be seen again
And all the fools sailed away

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

The Galloping Goose

The Galloping Geese were railcars built by the Rio Grande Southern Railroad in the 1930's. but to haul mail throughout Colorado's Rocky Mountains. They ran until the RGS abandoned their rights-of-way in 1952. In all seven were built, of these only six survive and are operational today. The Number 1 Goose (this one) was replicated and sits on display at the Ridgway Railroad Museum in Ridgway ,Colorado. I know what you're thinking, "That's not a Buick."