Other Stuff

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Assateague Light (Painted Gentleman V)

This gentleman could use a little paint. I was shocked this summer when I saw the lighthouse on Assateague Island, I realize it has been a couple of years since I had walked back to it, but this looks bad. I guess with most ships equipped with GPS, and the recent ownership change to the Fish and Wildlife Service, a hundred and forty year old relic from the past probably gets pushed to the bottom of their to do list. I can remember the first time I braved the possibility of actually being carried off by mosquitoes and took my family back the trail, to see it and take a few pictures, how awesome it looked. The red and white candy cane stripes always made it standout, if you saw a lighthouse calender you KNEW which one came from the land of the ponys and saltwater cowboys. I hope that the right people get together and bring it back to the splendor it deserves.

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