Other Stuff

Friday, May 25, 2007

Fireman's Monument, Harrisburg, PA

Another picture from last Sunday in Harrisburg, PA. This one is a fireman's memorial, located on Front Street along the Susquehanna River, to those who served and lost their lives in World War 1. You may not see it but he holds a doughboy helmet in his right hand. The plaque reads:
Erected by the
Volunteer Fire Department
of the
City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
in honor of the valiant
services rendered by it's members during
the World War 1917-1919
Dedicated 1924
These gave their lives
Benjamin H. Boggs
Herbert D. Harry
Clarence L. Hinkle
Louis E. Houseal
John C. Peiffer, Jr.
Charles W. Revie
Edward L. Selway
Frank Ziegler
Other plaques list the names of those who served. A newer plaque on the front tells you that this monument was restored in 2002 and rededicated on September 11, 2002, by Mayor Stephen Reed. Task Force 1 of Harrisburg was the first dispatched to respond to the site of the World Trade Centers. The plaque read in part "in salute to the Heroism and Professionalism of the Task Force and all in the fire service of America and this City, this Monument is further dedicated."

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