Other Stuff

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ballgame

O.K. up 'til now we've covered most of my picture collection subjects, Colorado, Chincoteague, the fire department, flowers, bridges and barns, but alas man can't live by picture taking alone, he needs to hear the crack of the bat, the taste of the hot dogs, the roar of the crowd, the peanuts, the Cracker Jacks and root-root-rooting for the home team, you know what I mean, BASEBALL. Ah, it's one of the few things that make summers bearable. Major Leagues, Triple A, Double A, Single A, Short Season, heck, even the Independent Leagues, baseball is baseball. We try to go as often as possible and may take in 8 to 10 games a year. The kids like to study when the good promotional giveaways are and plan the summer around them. Our team? The O's. Their home? The Yard, Oriole Park at Camden Yards. That's right, Baltimore, Charm City, you know you're got something special when all the new ballparks in the Major Leagues are compared to Camden Yards. With the B+O Warehouse, the Bromoseltzer Tower and Boog's Bar-B-Q out on Eutaw Street, this is baseball the way it should be. To date we've been to 10 MLB parks, 3 AA, 3 A and 1 Indy field. This year is a slow start, just one AA game (pink hats on Mother's Day) and two Fan-Fests in the past off-season. Gee, I wonder what's going on tomorrow night? Maybe....

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