Other Stuff

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Walnut Street Bridge, Harrisburg, PA

I continue going through my files and when I find a picture I like I put in in a folder to someday be used here. Certain themes keep showing up and you've seen most of them, firehouse, flowers, barns, Colorado, etc. But one theme you've only gotten a peek at was bridges, even I didn't know I had so many. I've already posted the Brooklyn Bridge, but there is George Washington Bridge in NYC, The East Brady Bridge (soon to be demo'ed), the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, the Chincoteague Drawbridge, railroad bridges, covered bridges, mountain stream bridges and on and on and on. I don't know what it is but I may have a problem. It might be the lines, the angles, the masonry or the reflection on the water, I don't know.

This is the Walnut Street Bridge in Harrisburg, PA. It spans from the city to City Island and from City Island to the West Shore, well at least it used to. A winter storm in 1996 brought the ice up, it lifted two spans and deposited them into the Market Street bridge downstream. This span has been closed to traffic for years, even before the ice incident. My kids get the creeps walking over this bridge, because with the open grate you can see the Susquehanna River flowing below. I think it's cool.

Pictures are late winter 2004, summer 2005 and last weekend.