Other Stuff

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Evil Empire, Yankee Stadium

Yankee Stadium. As an Oriole fan this is the home of the Evil Empire. We toured it last summer, but have never seen a game here. I told my son, "You don't have to like the team, but you still have to respect the stadium." The greats who came from this place Ruth, DiMaggio, Gehrig, Berra and Maris, not the overpriced under-achievers they have today. Proof positive that talent can only get you so far. Everywhere you saw the "26 World Championships", like they were gonna forget it. They haven't won since 2000, that's 6 years without a ring, 6 years of $200 million salary, that's $1.2 billion (with a B) without a ring. During the tour you were strictly forbidden to take photographs (put your camera away) or video (take the battery out) when you went into the locker room. I guess it was because with the open lockers they have you could easily see they were all full of gallon jugs of supplements. You think maybe that's it? Jason? Are you there?

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