Other Stuff

Monday, June 18, 2007

Fire Tower Memories

This fire tower sits on top of the mountain near where I grew up. It was a part of my growing up. We used to drive up here and climb the tower when I was a teen (just to the top of the steps though, the building itself was always locked). Just because. Just because when you are a teen you need to get away. Just get away. The tower was rickety then and I wasn't sure it was being used. Now, twenty odd years later, it looks the same. I mean the same: rickety. I did notice there is now a antenna on top so I can assume it has been updated since way back when. I could only guess how tall it is. 9 flights of steps, maybe 8 feet each string, 72 feet, give or take. No, I didn't go up yesterday, its been most of 20 years since my last trip to the top, but I can still remember the view looking back towards town, I can only imagine now with how town has grown over time. Ya know, some days the rearview mirror is a little clearer than others and it's things like this that help keep it in focus.

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