Other Stuff

Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Shout Out to Firewarrior

I got a comment. No, I got my first REAL comment. And it's from Poland, no less. Firewarrior, these fireworks are for you, my dear. Enjoy. I'm sure I will see more this week, it is July 4th week. And it just couldn't be July 4th without fireworks. Which brings up the age old question, do they have July 4th in Poland? Absolutely, they also have a July 5th, and an August 12th and a... Anyways.... these are from a Harrisburg Senator's game last August. And thank you Firewarrior for being my first real commenter. Yes, thanks to everyone who take time from their busy day to read my pointless stories and dry humor, what would I do without both of you.

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