Other Stuff

Monday, June 04, 2007

Watch Out For Batted Balls, Baltimore

Where is a better place than a ballpark to find cool signs? No where. Am I right? And they all come color-coded to the home team, Yea. This theme is one of my favorites. These two are from Camden Yards in Baltimore. The top one is in nearly every tunnel from the concourse out to the seating bowl. Even up in the cheap seats. The bottom picture is one of the signs out on Eutaw Street near the flag court and Boog's BBQ (you can see the scoreboard in the background). I have a few more of these and other baseball signs to share, I just don't wanna load'm all up tonight. And now for a little complaining. In the past 7 years of going to games I have never got a foul ball or a home run ball. Once at a Harrisburg Senators game my son got a batting practice ball while we were waiting for the gates to open. That's it.

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