Other Stuff

Friday, July 20, 2007

9-11 at The National Fallen Firefighters Memorial

As promised this edition of Fire Friday or Fireday is the September 11th plaque at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Emmitsburg, Md. This plaque sets between the plaque of the other fallen heroes from 2001 and 2002. Like I said in the post about the FDNY Memorial plaque at the Ten House, you just can't imagine the number 343 until you see 343 names in one place. That's 343 sons, fathers and loved ones gone. I know I keep repeating that number, 343, but don't think that I don't also think of the number 23, that's the number of NYPD officers who gave their lives to help the thousands and thousands get to safety. Or the number 37, that's the number of Port Authority Police Officers lost that day along with 43 other PAPD employees. Or the number 2,749, that's the number of civilians who had just gone to work that day and never went home. Or the unimaginable number of loved ones left behind. Or the number of servicemen and women who have fought and who have died to try and make this country a better place and to let the world know that the USA will not sit around on our thumbs while you do this. (I can image a flag waving behind me and the band playing God Bless America as I type this.) If you check out he NFFM website you will see they are working on a memorial for 9-11 to be placed on the grounds of the National Fire Academy. Called "To Lift A Nation" it shows the three firefighters rising the flag at Ground Zero. At 3 times life size you can bet you'll see it here once it is in place.

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