Other Stuff

Friday, July 06, 2007

Where Has Your George Been?

Tonight while working a fundraiser for my fire department, as usual, I was handling the money. And, as usual, when I'm handling the money I come across bills, ones, fives and tens, stamped or written with wheregeorge.com. And when I find these I buy them, take them home and register them on the website. It is interesting to see where they came from and how long it takes them to get here. Tonight was an exceptional night, I found 2 ones and a ten. This particular dollar bill started in Omaha, was spent in Windsor Connecticut and made it here in about 92 days. This averages out to 3.1 miles per day. My other $1 bill came from North Kingstown, RI at a blistering 7.7 miles per day. And the ten spot I have started at Merlin's Tavern in Hagerstown, Maryland as their 496th bill stamped but only managed to travel at less than 1 mile per day. Sign up, try it, it's kinda fun in a geeky way, unless, of course, you have a life.

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