Other Stuff

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Would the Real Home Run King Please Stand Up

Don't get me started. Barry Bonds hit no. 756 on Tuesday and 757 last night, I could care less. Here's a man with little respect for the game and he thinks we should believe that he has never chemically enhanced himself? Yes, I know it takes a good eye and a quick swing but this man buffed up over night. He never hit more than 34 home runs in a season in Pittsburgh or 49 in San Francisco and then all of a sudden, in 2001, bang he's a hitting machine. 73 in that season and hasn't hit more than 46 since. Was that just a lucky year? Could steroids be the reason he sat out most of the 2005 season? Yes, Commish Bud may have turned a blind eye, but does not getting caught make it OK? And to watch the crowds, hypocrites. They all just see the dollar signs if the get a juiced home run ball. Well, Barry, you did it, now you can retire and go away. This picture is of the statue of "The Babe" on Eutaw Street outside Camden Yards. Sorry Hank, I don't have your picture but be proud of what you have done.

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