Other Stuff

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Welcome Autumn

Finally it is Fall. Officially. Fall is by far my favorite season. I just can't stand the heat of summer, winter seems to last too long and spring is too short, but fall is just right. Days when you can actually go outside and do something and not think you are about to melt. Being a hunter this time of year means that the wildlife are getting more active and on my walks in the woods there is more going on. The deer are moving around more, the squirrels are running around storing nuts like there is no tomorrow and the geese are heading south. The elk are already starting to bugle and if there is one thing you need to do, before you get too old, is go to where the elk are at this time of year and listen. The bugling of the bulls and the mews of the cows is a satisfying and comforting sound, indeed.

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