Other Stuff

Friday, October 12, 2007

All Shapes and Sizes

Fire hydrants come in all shapes and sizes but one thing is for sure (hopefully) is the color. Did you know that different colors mean different things. Usually the top of the hydrants color is coded to the amount of water pressure that is available form the hydrant. blue is for hydrants that flow over 1500 gallons per minute (GPM) these hydrants are very good. Green is for flows of 1000 to 1500 gpm and are good in residential areas. Orange indicates a flow of 500 to 1000 gpm and are marginally adequate. And then there is red, yes the color you always thought a hydrant should be, well red is a hydrant that only flows less than 500 gpm. A lot of thing can determine how good the flow to a hydrant is, and the proximity to the source is very good. The further away the hydrant is the lower the flow will be and if your hydrant like mine is at the end of the line thank heavens for Tankers.

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