Other Stuff

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Out of the Dark and Into the Shadows

Today marks my 6 month Blogiversery. Six months of my pictures, my pointless stories and my dry sense of humor. If you've been reading, Thanks. When I started this I said, "I'll let people know about this after 50 posts" but when I hit 50, it felt like I had just gotten started. Six months feels like the right time. Today I changed my profile to include a name, not the name my parents gave me but a name my uncles gave me more than 30 years ago. Sooner or later the spiralling circle of pictures will start to pinpoint me and as more friends who know me start to find this site they will recognise the name and who I am, those who didn't know me before, now know me. Hi, I'm Haney, nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by.

These pictures are from yesterday. My wife and I took a ride through the mountain to see the changing colors, but with a week of rain there was only a little color left. Next weekend might be even better. Enjoy, and stop back often.

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