Other Stuff

Friday, October 26, 2007

WMRR Freight Station

Here's one I pulled from the way-back machine. August 18, 1979, six months before I joined the fire department, Shippensburg, PA, South Earl Street and West Orange Street, the old Western Maryland Railroad freight station, training. After dry training on this building for several weeks the companies of the Shippensburg Fire Department finally set fire to the old freight station and stood-by as it burned to the ground. I was running around with my trusty 110 camera and I got a few classics. This being one of them.
Note the church steeple in the background, less than 7 months later, on a Sunday morning in March 1980, this church would be heavily damaged by an arsonist. That being one of my first major fires.


  1. Looks like Steve Gabler and Charlie Myers walking past the building. When we burnt this down I thought it was great, got to have fun playing with a fire. Now that I am older I can only think we were idiots for destroying a fantastic part of our history. If we could only have it back.

  2. You are correct, Bradley, on both points.
