Other Stuff

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Cannons at Sunrise

Last Sunday morning I went for a drive and ended up in Sharpsburg, Maryland. At sunrise I was taking pictures on the battlefields of Antietam. As in my post from Tuesday, I mentioned the the Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day of the Civil War and any other war for that matter. This line of cannons was near the Visitors Center, in the background you can see the New York State Memorial. It was a good morning, by the time I left the parking lot was getting full. I will probably go back down sometime and walk some more of the trails. Check back again for more pictures from Sunday's walk.
Bonus Post
How Not to Photograph Wildlife, Lesson 1
As I drove slowly around the battlefield I saw a lone deer standing in a field. Being a narrow road I had nowhere to pull off; fence on one side, wall on the other. So slowly I put the big zoom lens on the Rebel. Took off the cap. Half push on the button to get the auto features to start. In one motion I brought the camera to my eye, swung around to rest my arm on the window sill to take a couple shots and BEEEEEEEEP!!!!!! My elbow makes contact with the horn. The deer, a nice buck by the way, doesn't stick around to laugh at the idiot in the car. I did manage one desperation shot. I'm keeping my day job.

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