Other Stuff

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Packing Out

November 8th, 2006. One year ago today, this is where I was sitting. This was a Wednesday afternoon, we had been in camp since late Friday. We were headed out, our time was almost up. We had a good week, could have been better, it's hard to hunt elk in early November with a full moon and 47 degrees. We needed snow. Our packer, Jeff, had the lead with 5 mules, then Nick, Mike leading a mule with a deer in it's panyard, then me, Todd, Jimmy and Danny. Jeff was having his normal difficulties and by the time we crossed the Turret I was leading two mules. This formation we are traversing is known as Nellie's Nipple, there is actually a small stone blind built on it's peak, I've seen the sun both rise and set from this perch, I hope someday to find myself up there again.

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