Other Stuff

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Thank You

I know I have mentioned it before, but I am a veteran. U. S. Air Force, 1983 - 1987. The Cold War. My brother-in-law is a Marine Corps, Beirut Veteran. My Dad, U. S. Navy, Cuba. I've heard the stories and I've seen the picture my Uncles had of Korea, and the South Pacific in World War 2. My Great Grandfather went down with his Merchant Marine ship when it was hit by a German U-Boat in 1942. And as far back as the Civil War, living in South Central Pennsylvania, it is hard not to have your own family blood spilled. The Confederate Army camped just over the hill, not a half mile from where I'm sitting right now, in the days leading up to the battle in Gettysburg. My Great Great Grandmother's Brother was wounded in an ambush while he sat at his campfire, my son is named for him. Another Great Great Grandfather saw fighting in the Wilderness and and was wounded in Cold Harbor, his medals sit in a case beside my bed. There are others - friends, uncles, cousins, Grandfathers and Great Uncles, there will undoubtedly be more. Who should you thank today?


  1. Kevin, thank you and your family for serving. We both had the same idea for today's post. I always enjoy your site and I see you growing as a photographer. We need to get out together and do some shooting, are you up for some road trips?
    Thanks again.

  2. Haney, did Mom tell you that Mike's great-grandfather (Clepper) was a POW in WWI? That would be Granpa's dad. Thanks for posting this one. I'm just now reading through your site, it's been a while.

