Other Stuff

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I'm at the Beach, Please Call Back Later.

Just a little late with this one, but if I coulda posted this is what I woulda posted. Yes, I was on my second annual Christmas-at-the-beach vacation. We drove down Friday afternoon and this is what Saturday morning looked like. What I thought was an unspectacular sunrise turned out to be the last time I saw the sun near the horizon all weekend. So in retrospect these aren't that bad.
As usual we were on the beach before sunrise, the biggest difference this morning was high tide. Combine that with an offshore storm system and the water levels were higher than I've ever seen them. We hit a point on our walk where the dunes were 6-8 feet high and the waves were crashing into them - we called it a day. Not much found. Temps were in the low fifties but the wind off the surf cut through my sweatshirt. But hey, I'm at the beach three days before Christmas in a sweatshirt, I don't think I have the right to complain.

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