Other Stuff

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Jack Frost Nipping at My Nose

5 degrees. It was 5 degrees when I got out of my truck this morning. By sunrise it was the mustache-icicles bothering me more than the nose nipping. And my feet when numb soon after that. Yesterday brought the first measurable snow to the area, about 4" here, the snow and clear skies made for a beautiful, but cold morning in the woods. I just love mornings like this. Crystal clear, like you can see forever. Of course days like this are better appreciated 3 pairs of pants, 4 shirts and a coat.

The third picture is, apparently, an ongoing series I inadvertently started. See the yellow fall leaves here. See the fog here.

ps. Blogger isn't letting me load pictures right now I'll try again this evening. Got'em now.

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