Other Stuff

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

My Christmas Card to the Blog-O-Sphere

Merry Christmas. This is my Christmas card for this year. Not for everyone but for those who would know and appreciate it. This is the W Mountain overlooking Johnny Meyers Lake in the Flat Tops Wilderness Area of the White River National Forest in Colorado. Another place I have known intimately. To the upper left along the W is Mile Long Meadow, moving to the right and through the Chute, following the trail down is where I lost the trail back in ninety-eight. I wasn't lost, you know, just fearsome confused for a moment or two. Back on the trail now and drop over towards the lake and you can overlook an open bench above the lake. I was watching this area in 2000 when a voice in my head told me, "Look to your right." I stared for a few seconds until I made out the shape of a mountain lion that had crept up to within a hundred feet. I slowly bent over and grabbed my camera but the big kitty realized he had made a mistake and ran off. Back on the trail again and you'll pass through Marley's Meadow. Go slow, most guys have walked right up on elk in this meadow. Continue down past the old trappers cabin that Johnny Meyers himself had built and then you'll walk on into camp. Can you smell the wood stove? I hope someone has supper started cause I'm getting hungry.

Wait a minute this is suppose to be a Christmas post. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. God bless us everyone.

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