Other Stuff

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Five More Weeks

Call me old fashioned but it's winter and if it's gonna be winter let it snow and let it be cold. I'm not too old to remember that when I was a kid in the winter I didn't hibernate, I was outside. Me, my buddy and our Lightning Guiders were in the field up behind our houses. Soap up the runners, build a ramp at the bottom of the hill and hope the honeysuckle vines on the old fence stopped you before you went into the woods and ended up in the crick (that's the redneck word for stream). Now I'm not old enough to remember the walk to and from school in waist deep snow, uphill both ways. But I do remember snow days. And back then the schools didn't call for these until we had enough snow to actually warrant calling off. Heck, these idiots-in-change now are shutting schools down because it's forecasted to snow.

So, Punxy Phil and the Inner Circle say we gotta wait five more weeks. Big deal. And until it is spring let it snow and quit ruining my winter.

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