Other Stuff

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Keep Your Gun Oiled (PG XLVII)

This is where I'd rather be, Eagle, Colorado. Apart from this area of Colorado becoming suburban California. Eagle, so far, hasn't suffered too bad sitting on the edge of this mass expansion. Although, I hate to admit, Vail and Aspen's urban crawl will catch up and ruin this place. Eagle has already seen the loss of some of its connection to the old west. In 2000 while out hunting we ate at Jackie's Old West, a place you looked forwards to when you came out of the high country. In 2003, while on vacation, I looked from I-70 and didn't see Jackie's, what I saw was Wendy's, and God knows we needed another one of those. Disgraceful. Next it'll be the Brush Creek Saloon, that'll mean no more Fat Tire Ale and Chicken with green chilies. And THAT would be unacceptable.
This is the Eagle Pharmacy and it is as the front says "The Everything Store". This sits on Broadway at the intersection of 3rd Street. And it has everything, souvenirs, medication, boots, jewelry and hunting licenses. And the latest gossip. The sign changes from time to time and it's always a definite destination to stop by. Lets hope that the big corporate pharmacy retailers don't steal this one.

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