Other Stuff

Monday, February 04, 2008

Late Night

This picture is one of me screwing around with the timer at night. I went to Gods Acre Cemetery in downtown Shippensburg, PA. From the plaque on the gate post "1738-1926 Dedicated to Patriots and Pioneers who sleep in this Gods Acre"
This is also an unexpected self-portrait. Oops.


  1. haney, ron sailhamer has a copy of the orginal deed to this property with william penn's and edward shippen's signature on it...

  2. I knew it would exist, and I knew it would be old.

  3. your driving me nuts on this picture. I keep looking for your self portrait and I can't seem to find it. I suppose you took the picture through glass and I should be seeing your face reflection but I'm not seeing it.

  4. Roda
    Coming out of the lower right hand corner you'll see the shadow of my tripod on up to my shoulders and head. Must've been from the lights on Prince Street.
