Other Stuff

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pikes Peak or Bust

These words originated during the great western expansion and gold rush of 1859. On my second family vacation these words came to life again. There are three ways to get to Pikes Peak, hike (that ain't gonna happen), drive (this, I was told, would have been done without the wife) or take the train out of Manitou Springs. ALL ABOARD! The Pikes Peak Cog Railway takes you on a historic narrated trip up to the top. You can see the ecosystems change as you ascend through and beyond treeline. Wildlife on our trip was limited to marmots but these are the Rockies and anything is possible. Once at the top you have about 45 minutes to soak it in. Trust me, at 14,110 feet above sea level 45 minutes is long enough. My first impression was that this place looks like the moon, barren. You can see Colorado Springs from here along with the vast beauty that is the Rocky Mountains. Buy your souvenirs take your picture as proof you were here and head back down. The Conductor explained the safety devices used to get the train down such a steep grade safely. They are equipped with a three stage braking system, first there is the hydraulic brakes, used to keep the train on a steady pace and if they fail then there is the manual brakes. In the severe chance the manual brakes failed then they relied on the springs to stop the decent. Manitou Springs... Colorado Springs...
Check out the website.

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