Other Stuff

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Dreaming of Elk

Plans are underway for another return trip to the high country this fall, all I have to do is get this spring and summer out of the way. In the mean time here are some trips from the past. The first is from 1989 and this spike bull ran between my brother & brother-in-law and me. I took a half dozen shots as he ran by, in some you could see them in the background. I liked how this cloud lined up with him. The second was from 1990 and only about 300 yards from where the spike ran by me. From this set up I saw cows and calves all day, but no bulls within a half mile. This cow was only 30 yards downhill. Just 8 months and counting.

1 comment:

  1. Haney, counting down the months, days, minutes and seconds towards the trip to Co. is more exciting that counting down for New Years!
