Other Stuff

Saturday, March 22, 2008

This is all Art (?)

Art. I've seen art before, this is vandalism. I'm not saying that in a "Sometimes you've got to do something bad, to know you're alive" way that graffiti is bad. Graffiti can be an expression, or extension of your being. And, yes, at times, can catch you saying "Wow". But this is just misguided youth being 'gangsta'. This is doing something bad, to do something bad. This is the kids who say they have nothing to do, and when offered an alternative don't participate. Is there a cure? Maybe. Start with staying at home sometime with them. Start with turning off the TV and the X-Cubes and 360 Game Boxes. For the most part some discipline and responsibility should have been instilled by now. It's 2008, do you know where your kids are right now?

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