Other Stuff

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Two Weeks Late

Is an Easter Egg hunt two weeks after Easter still an Easter Egg hunt? Apparently so. Yesterday the Shippensburg Fire Department and a group called 'Park and Friends' held the annual free egg hunt for area children 8 and under. I personally haven't been to this hunt in many years and was pleasantly surprised at how well things went. I followed the Easter Bunny around and enjoyed watching the children's reaction to him. Some followed as if he were the Pied Piper, some remained apprehensive and even some preferred to be friends from a distance. Best of all, and I think 'Mr. Bunny' will agree, the smiles and hugs made it all worth while.
This IS the Eater Egg Hunt we once spoke of.


  1. Sounds like you were one of the little kids chasing around the bunny (notice I didn't say tail), dang its a good thing I have started growing up.

    I had the pleasure to chat with your father and son today, you should jion them sometime. Plenty to photograph at the flea market.

    I was checking out your photo of the spreaders the other day, do you know there is two classes of spreaders? We check them out all the time at work to know what areas may be weak.

    Keep up the good work, I guess I will be seeing you guys at baseball games very soon.

  2. To bad that bunny couldn't have been stand in front of a real Fire Engine,(open cab Seagrave's)
    Sorry I had to get that in there,,

  3. How does a bunny that is a mammal deliver an egg? Did he still it from the chicken? Oh by the way history says it was an Easter Hare.
    Nice pictures Kevin keep up the good work.
