Other Stuff

Monday, April 28, 2008

Year Two, Day One, The First Annual Cyber Roll Call

That's right, year two, baby. In this election year I've got to say for my second year I promise more of what you've all been enjoying so far. A picture or two or three everyday and some words. I promise to make you wonder to yourself as you are logging on, "What the heck is he posting today?"...and then you'll say, "What the heck IS he posting today??" I promise more Painted Gentlemen, still on Wednesdays but maybe not every single Wednesday. And Fireday Friday, again maybe not every single Friday. And maybe a day off here and there. I'm going out west to play mountain man for a week or so this fall and the "Be Back Soon" sign will hang on the Outskirts' office door but I'll be back with more stories and pictures of my misadventures. So keep coming back and pull up a chair, it's always nice to see and hear from you.
Now about this Cyber Roll Call. I'm asking everyone to hit that button for "Comments" and just let me know who is out there. I'm no comment whore so I'm not asking for anything more than a "Here, Sir" or an "All present and accounted for". You don't need to use your real name, I don't. Use your initials or your dogs name, whatever. I'm just curious who is out there and how many of you there is.
The picture, by the way, is a deer's ass.


  1. I'm still here and looking,

  2. I will be around for the next year also. I didn't know Kenny could use the web, I thought he was to old for that stuff.

  3. One of my daily hits..yours and Brad's....


  4. Haney, Really enjoy picturres and comments. Mom

  5. I check this right after brad's,

  6. You have become a daily habit.
    You are true to your word , you warned me that you would have some posts that it would make me wonder what the heck is he talking about.
    I enjoy the site and check in daily ,sometimes more then once to see who posts.

    Glad to see your big brother checking in.

  7. Your big sister's here too.


  8. Yes this is one of my hits in the morning. Yours and both of BRad's. I'm like Barry, check it in the morning to see the pictures and tan in the afternoon to see who commented. Great site, keep up the good work.

  9. You page is usually in the history on the computer at the firehouse.

  10. Just bookmarked your site. Great to see pics of the burg since I don't get back very often. Actually snorkeled a long time ago at the mill on Middle Spring creek. Saw some big trout so the next morning wen back with the rod and caught some nice size rainbows. Will be checking your site out after checking Brad's two and Kevin's every morning.
