Other Stuff

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Let the Fireworks Begin

Tonight on Saturday Post Live we've got more OOOOH's and AAAAH's than you can shake a stick at. Tonight was the annual fireworks display put on by the South Newton Township Fire Company of Walnut Bottom, Pa. Great show, it probably lasted 35-40 minutes. I had good seats again this year. I've been in on the fair grounds behind the firehouse years ago and you had to lay down to watch them. They were exploding right above your head. As with last year we were maybe 400 yards away, I could see the guy with the flare setting them off. Enjoy these it took a little while to figure things out but I did. Some of these were taken with a 30 second exposure.


  1. Haney,

    Nice shots with the fireworks. Can you give me any tips on how you shot them?? Over at my blog, I posted some first time shots of fireworks and I'll be posting a few more this week...


  2. Woody,
    Hit and miss, that's the secret. I took 73 pictures and got maybe 15 really good ones. The most important thing is a tripod. From there just try things. I had some at 3 seconds that look blurry but got some at 30 seconds that looked great. ISO? I tried 100, 400 and 800. Also, I was set up away from any light pollution. Some pictures show the sign for Brookside Market and the sign is washed out with the longer exposure. The great thing about digital, over film, is it costs just as much to take 5 pictures as it does 1. Keep on shooting, Woody, keep on shooting.
