Other Stuff

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let Teddy Win!

While at the Washington Nationals game on June 5th we got to witness a little piece of DC baseball fun... the Presidents Race. It appeared that it may be an historic race this time with Teddy out in front and George, Abe and Tom in the far distant but out of nowhere Teddy was taken down by a panther. Abe pulled out a win on this night. Total standings for the year- Abe 15, Tom 9, George 7 and Teddy... 0. According to the website devoted to such things--blog.letteddywin.com --the rules are simple: "The presidents race winner is not always predetermined. While some theatrics are occasionally planned in advance, the race, for the most part, has been real. Once the presidents break for the finish line, there historically been only one rule: Teddy is not allowed to win."
You just can't make this stuff up.

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