Other Stuff

Saturday, June 28, 2008

March to Destiny 2008

Saturday Post Live, Take 4. Wow, what an afternoon. Actually it started yesterday and I first went in just before lunch to hear Lincoln talk and walk through the camps. I returned for the street skirmish at 3 pm. Everything, including the skirmish, takes place at or near the library on West King Street. I stood on the east side of the creek and watched the Confederates push the blue coats back from Fayette Street over the Branch Creek and onto the Square. This order seemed to allow all the spectators to get a good look at the soldiers. A lot of shots were fired, King Street was littered with the wrappings of the quick-loads. After reaching the Square all the re-enactors paraded back through the street where President Lincoln reviewed the troops at the library before dismissing back to the encampments.
I took a bunch of pictures and hope to work some up on my new program, so be on the look out. I give you, today, a casualty, the Rebs and the Union.


  1. If im in the situation of the owner of this blog. I dont know how to post this kind of topic. he has a nice idea.

  2. Like the March to Destiny. It is a good place for a lot of images. From the camps, cooking, old time dress, and a dance on Saturday night. Remember folks it is the last Saturday of June.
