Other Stuff

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Another Dam Blog Post

No, that joke doesn't get old, it's still Dam funny. Saturday Post Live, take 7. This morning I took a walk to Letterkenny Dam north of Shippensburg and actually north of Roxbury, Pa. and off of Route 641 just as you are going up over the mountain. I parked at the gated access road across from the Shippensburg water plant. It was a short 15 to 20 minute walk back to the dam, I kicked up a group of turkeys along the way. The dam is just how you would expect considering I hadn't been there since I was a kid, just over grown and dirtier. I remember the pool being larger and deeper and the falls flowing heavier. Oh well. I took my pictures of the dam and the dragonflies (lots of dragonflies), hung out then started back. Once back to the truck I took my ziplock bag up the road and picked some red raspberries. Oh yeah, I like red raspberries.


  1. I can remember as a teenager going back to the dam, water flowing and the pool deep enough to take a dip in it. And the fishing was good too.

  2. I lived a couple of miles from this dam when I was a kid, and visited it several times in the early 1960's. Is it still there?
