Other Stuff

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Birthday America!

That's right, light up all 232 candles. After the picnic in the rain today the kids got to bugging so we broke out the sparklers. There must have been 20 boxes of them with six to a box. I want to know who is responsible for destroying my childhood memories by downsizing sparklers? They are so wimpy the wires bend when you swirl them around. They used to be a foot long with 8 inches of sparkle, now you're lucky to get an 8 inch wire and 4 inches of sparkle. There was even giant ones three feet long and as big around as a pencil. I can remember writing my name with one, searing the letters into my retina. Not now, noooooo, be quick if you even want one letter then wait til you get another lit.

Oh yeah, it is the 4th of July I had better include some firework pictures. These are courtesy of the Shippensburg community. All together now... OOOOOOHHH... AHHHHHH!

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