Other Stuff

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Clothes Line

This evening was a lot more interesting than yesterday. Maybe I should be doing Sunday Post Live. While at my parents house this evening and while the kids were playing I watched these finches coming into the thistle feeder. I got my camera from the truck and snapped a few pictures. Since the sun was directly away from me, and setting, I tried to maneuver to the other side of the feeder. Nothing here to hide behind. After a long wait I left it alone. Not too much later they returned and a second attempt failed to keep them hanging around. Oh well, it's time to go anyway.


  1. Like the shot of the clothes pins, pretty cool. Also good pictures of the finches. Birds are hard to get a good picture. Great job.

  2. So was that at your mom & dad's or the Jones's farm
