Other Stuff

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Festival Ahead

This is the last Saturday in August. That must mean it's Corn Festival day, Woo Hoo. I was up at 5 and parking cars by 5:30 and the lot was full by 8. Not a bad day. Now it's time to get out of town. The Corn Festival is celebrated in Shippensburg every year, closing down King Street from Fayette to Prince. Depending on the weather there could be upwards towards 30,000 people, or more, shopping for crafts and food. And to head off (or start off) the discussions about food I only sampled an egg roll and a chicken gyro, both very good. Last year I did the the pulled pork and lets just say I'm planning a late lunch so I didn't repeat that this year.
This is my final Saturday Post Live, I said I would do it through the summer. But there will be plenty of others 'live' post. Now it's off to clear out the cobwebs so check back tomorrow night. And in the name of full disclosure these pictures are from 2006. The brain doesn't start working until closer to 6 AM, I left the camera at home.

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