Other Stuff

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Orioles Wrap-up Show

Well the season is over. The O's spent most of the season in the cellar but I'm a fan and will continue to see the positive. Three players, Roberts, Huff and Markakis, made a run for the first Three teammates with 50 doubles in a season. B-Rob had 51, the other two had 48. Only 10 times in MLB history has three players had 50 doubles and never three teammates. Two players with more than 100 RBI's, Huff and Mora, with 108 and 104 . So it's obvious that the offence did what they could but they were stuck with the second worst team ERA in the AL at 5.13 and last in strike outs (922). And number one in home runs given up (184) and hit batsman (80). Gee, I wonder where we need to look this winter?
On the other end of the spectrum, as an O's fan I am a devout Yankee hater. As for their season I have three observations. #1 - Hank Steinbrenner isn't worth the spit his old man polishes his shoes with. #2 - Another $200 million in the crapper. That makes 8 years with out a ring or over $1.5 billion dollar spent. #3 - Joe Torre should be thanking the Steinbrenners for not interrupting his consecutive post-season streak.
And the ChiSox beat the Twins in the one game play off on a Jim Thome homer. As a note I have seen Thome homer as an Indian in the Jake and as a Phillie at the Vet. More worthless facts later.


  1. A new owner would be a start.

    Still looking just not getting much of a chance until I get home. I hope you see some big bull elk when you are out here hunting like I have this trip.

  2. One is all I need to see, after that I can take pictures. It's good to hear you've found some.

  3. Haney, why do you need to see only one bull? I forgot you are a one shot one kill hunter. Unlike myself.

