Other Stuff

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Wait

In just five weeks I'll be high. High up in the Rockies, that is. It's just 4 weeks, 3 days and almost 8 hours until we leave. But who's counting? Me. I can't wait to climb into the saddle, smell the sage, feel the chill in the air and hear the chirps and mews of the elk. The smell of supper from the cook tent. Watching the sun slowly rising over the W and setting behind the ridge line. Hearing the coyotes yipping and yelping amongst themselves. The feel, after climbing and hiking all week, of the 104 degree water in the hot springs down in Glenwood Springs. Yeah, I'm counting.
This picture is our inept packer Jeff tightening the panyards for the third time while packing out in 2006. I ended up leading these two mules down to the pack station. Cowboy up.


  1. Haney, time will drag until we make it to the packing station. Then it will fly by while we are in camp. Who's counting the weeks, days, hours and minutes till we leave? I know that I am!!!!


  2. Oh, can it just get here for God's sake!


  3. I was waiting on Mamaclep`s comments, found it hard to beleive it took a day and a half. KL I know you will be as happy that they are gone as they are going.
    Safe travels guys!
