Other Stuff

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Agony of Defeat

I know what you're thinking, "Football three days in a row". Last night was my final game of the year, the Hounds still have another but I'll be out of town. Another loss and this probably means they're out of the post season but playing football is like a lot of other things, you can play to win but you should enjoy playing to play. For most of the season most gave it their all, their 110%. Unfortunately most times it wasn't all at the same time. (I'll end my critique here). They lost to the Patriots 7-9. That's 3 field goals to 1 touchdown. On a returned blocked field goal attempt.
First picture is the punt team protecting the punter, second is the cheerleaders waiting for something to happen. Third is the offence waiting for a chance to return to the field.
As a side note to other bloggers... why did these picture load in reverse order? This is twice now. this time I'm not bothering to switch them back around.

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