Other Stuff

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Every Stick Could be a Snake

I got restless this morning and decided to go for a walk. While crossing a bridge to a small run I looked downstream then turned and looked upstream towards Indian Head Springs. A small snake caught my eye as he swam across the stream and slithered onto a stick. He was only about 9 or 10 inches long. I snapped a few pictures before he disappeared into the brush. I continued on the trail, but after more than 21 years of working in the field I know one thing, once I see a snake I do nothing but look for another. So much for taking pictures of birds, I was staring at the ground. Like Linus Van Pelt, every stick, every long blade of grass was a Queen Snake. This thought brought a chuckle to me until the stick I was ready to step on darted across the trail. (See first picture) I was lucky to get a picture or two of him since I was shaking from having the ba-jeepers scared out of me. This one was maybe a foot and a half long. The round eye, I guess, tells me he was non-poisonous. Of the two varieties I am aware of he was of the Alive kind.


  1. Nice blog.
    Beautiful pictures.

    Please visit:

    Good luck

  2. I don't like snakes. The only good snake is a dead snake. I have been on this trail a couple of times. It is now getting cold and the snakes should be going away. I hope.
