Other Stuff

Thursday, October 23, 2008

One Dimensional

Looking over my recent supply of pictures, I seem to be one dimensional lately. There is football, cheerleaders, soccer, bonfires and football. So, today you get... Football and cheerleaders. I haven't tried that combination yet. Soccer is over now, football only has two more weeks and I don't foresee any more bonfires in my immediate future. What I do see is big mountains. Soon. Maybe some autumn pictures this weekend if the rain doesn't knock them all down.
This is the banner crash before last Friday's LBJ game here in Shippensburg. I like this effect, the football guys almost become transparent.

1 comment:

  1. I like it also Haney. I hope you take the good camera on the West trip, I would like to see photos of the hunt and maybe even everyones kill. I understand everybody has shot elk except for the Wagon master. You guys should help him out and tie one to a tree for him.
