Other Stuff

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Study on Fire

This study follows yesterday's post from the annual Pig Roast. Here today are pictures of the fire itself. I tried different things and got different results. I will be including the camera settings, but please don't make the mistake and think that I actually understand or will even remember how I got what it is that I got. And there was no post processing done to any of these, except for sizing them to load quickly. In the first picture I was holding the camera parallel to the ground, no artsy tilt here. Camera setting on all of these was ISO 400 and I used a tripod. Picture one was f5.6 at 1/1600th of a second. Picture two, again, f5.6 at 1/50th of a second. Picture three, f36 at 1.3 seconds. And picture four f5.0 at 5 seconds. Picture four was pointed above the flames, maybe 18-20 feet above the ground, and was intended to show the embers from the fire. the orange glow, of course, was the glow of the fire.

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