Other Stuff

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back in the Saddle

The ride up seemed long, maybe it was just anticipation or maybe because it was filled with new scenery, views of the familiar yet new. The GPS tells me it is 2.1 miles from the pack station to Camp but two and a half hours in the saddle tells me we rode closer to 4 or 5 miles, the odometer on Leonard wasn't working. Ride east a while turn around and ride west for a while. A switchback here, a switchback there, here a switchback, there a switchback... (sorry). We stopped often to let the horses catch their breath, we too were slowly acclimating, at least some of us were, it would take a couple days at this altitude. Once in camp it was time to organize, make bunks, cut firewood and fill the water jugs. Maybe even take a short walk this evening. Mainly it was time to acclimate.

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