Other Stuff

Friday, November 28, 2008

Burd Run Red Bird

Burd Run, at least the area I was at yesterday morning, sits just outside the Shippensburg University. It is a park owned by Shippensburg Township. In the 70's someone straightened the stream, I guess to make farming it easier. Four, maybe five, years ago University environmental students reconstructed the run to it's historical path. Along with this they planted native plants and informational signage along a path. During my walk I spotted several cardinals but with the thick brush I had to switch to manual focus and got some decent pictures. I also saw a blue jay, a small hawk and some ducks who saw me first. During summer walks I've heard and seen frogs and a lot more ducks. I'll remember this area next time I need to talk a walk and have limited time.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of the Red Bird..Like that bird and the Blue jay
