Other Stuff

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jays in the Afternoon

Like I was saying yesterday, my day, the first day of hunting in the Colorado mountains, had been trashed by two inconsiderate hunters. My afternoon was limited to bird watching. The most common bird we run into while hunting is the Gray Jay. Whiskey Jack. Camp Robber. Call them what you will they are comical to interact with. In the past while wasting time in camp we've tried to feed them out of our hand. We've put sunflower seeds on our hats and knees. They would fly close enough to knock the seeds off and then snatch them up and eat them on the nearest branch. The second picture isn't that great for quality but this is the closest he came to me. It is a Stellars Jay. That deep blue body with jet black head make him stand out. He is about eighty yards away. Did I mention the wind I had to deal with from the Snag? Look at the neck feathers on the Gray Jay, I'm lucky this picture turned out as good as it did with him swaying on that little pine tree.

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