Other Stuff

Monday, November 03, 2008

The New Birds - Guest Post

Today's Guest Poster in frequent commenter Sparky. Sparky is due to start one of these here blogs. He often sends me pictures and stories and I'm proof that that's all you need. Thes picture were taken last July. Colorado update: Today is day 3 of hunting. With any luck I'm done with that and just out with my camera on a walkabout.

Hello everyone

Was walking around this weekend and spot these two little baby birds. I guess they are baby blue jays, but the yellow tips on the tail feathers and red tips I’m not sure. Need your help does anyone know what they are?

PS With the help of the library and than the Internet. I have found out what kind of bird. It is a Cedar Waxwing.

1 comment:

  1. Good one Sparky. I don't comment much but I do enjoy all the pics that are posted. I try to visit every day.

    Haney and all, Keep up the good work.

