Other Stuff

Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Cormorant

This, I believe, is a Cormorant. A Double Crested Cormorant to guess more precise. Any real birders out there be sure to correct me on this, or any of the birds that show up here. This cormorant spent the whole weekend right here. Perched on this fallen tree. The first picture is from Friday evening, the second is from Saturday. Sunday morning? He was right here. Well I'm not a birder, just a picture taker, and birds seem to sit still long enough for me to snap off a couple shots. The names are normally Googled or from The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds. Interesting useless fact... Notice his posture in the second picture? Well it turns out that Cormorants lack oil glands to preen their feathers with so they sit with their wings spread out to dry. Useless fact number two... the name is a French word taken from Latin that means Sea Crow. Thus endeth the lesson.

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