Other Stuff

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Harrisburg Panorama (City at Night)

OK, it's Saturday, and I took this picture last Saturday, so it ain't really Saturday Live, I know. But actually this was five pictures I took last Saturday from along a street in Lemoyne, Pa. overlooking Harrisburg. This afternoon I spent two hours at the computer stitching the different pictures together and assembling this "Gallery Poster" from the Scott Kelby/Matt Kloskowski Photoshop Elements book using their cookbook recipe for this kind of thing. I was happy with it and happy to have had two uninterrupted hours to play with Photoshop.
You have GOT TO click on the panorama picture to check out the detail.
Also, last night I took picture number 8,000 with my Rebel. Which figures to 500 pictures a month since I got it 16 months ago.